Vessel owners can get involved in the Seabed 2030 project, which aims to complete a map of the entire seabed by the end of the decade.

Seabed 2030 is a collaborative project between The Nippon Foundation and the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), which aims for a complete mapping of the oceans by 2030. All data collected and shared with the Seabed 2030 project is included in the free and publicly available GEBCO global grid.

Private marine vessels can play a crucial role in uncovering uncharted features of the ocean floor by sharing depth measurements from their voyages to provide information to a crowdsourced bathymetry platform.

International SeaKeepers Society, a Monaco-based non-profit that supports ocean conservation by engaging the yachting community, is working with the Seabed 2030 project as the primary facilitator for several key crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB) enterprises.

Through this initiative, SeaKeepers will engage with leisure vessels through its Discovery Yacht Programme. The non-profit says detailed seabed mapping will eventually improve navigational safety and contribute to preserving the marine environment.

“We are delighted to take on this pivotal role supporting the Seabed 2030 project,” says Tony Gilbert, SeaKeepers’ chief programmes officer. “Crowdsourced bathymetry, an International Hydrographic Organization initiative, is integral to the vision of a fully mapped ocean by the end of the decade, and vessel owners have a central role to play in helping us realise this by sharing depth measurements from their voyages.

“Together, we can navigate towards a future where the ocean’s vast expanse is fully known and protected for generations to come.”

“This development further strengthens our existing partnership with the International SeaKeepers Society, who are a valued, long-standing partner of Seabed 2030,” says Seabed 2030 project director Jamie McMichael-Phillips. “SeaKeepers’ involvement in spearheading a number of important CSB enterprises brings us a significant step closer to our goal, facilitating critical scientific discoveries and enhancing marine conservation efforts along the way.

“Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to understanding the ocean and ensuring its sustainable management.”

Vessel owners interested in getting involved can visit the Seakeepers website or contact the organisation via email.

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